Saturday, 21 July 2012


Finally, 2012 delivers a full-blown comedy to shout about!
It's been a dry year for comedy so far, with two notable exceptions; The Muppets and The Five-year Engagement.
Interestingly Ted shares a great deal with both films. There's the turbulent relationship between boy and girl (a four-year courtship) - and the bizarre, yet touching bromance of boy and fuzzy friend (Ted even boasts a musical number)!
Admittedly, these were the selling points of The Five-year Engagement and The Muppets, respectively - and the demographic they were squarely aimed at lapped them up.
Ted combines these elements, but with a greater focus on laughs (something many comedies have been sorely missing of late)!

Ted is aimed at another audience altogether - particularly any male born in the late 70's/early 80's! Those with a questionable interest in popular culture and a fondness for nostalgia. Not unlike creator Seth MacFarlane, or Ted's hetero life-mate John Bennett, played by Mark Wahlberg.
Fans of Family Guy will be familiar with MacFarlane and his particular brand of comedy (foul-mouthed in the extreme)! Ted shares similar traits to Family Guy, both in it's profanity-driven script and in it's use of cut-aways as punchline to many a joke. Referencing all manner of media, particularly that of the 80's and 90's, it's a fabulous technique that MacFarlane has made his own.

During the Christmas of 1985, a young John Bennett makes a wish that his newly acquired teddy bear (Ted) be real - and miracle of miracles, his wish comes true! Cut to present day and John (Wahlberg) and Ted are still living together, but have yet to shed their adolescent mannerisms.

Having already earnt his comic stripes with the likes of I Heart Huckabees and The Other Guys, Wahlberg proves a smart choice for John. His timing and delivery is spot on - especially with some of the more outrageous dialogue. He exudes charm as the romantic lead (a no-brainer for the ladies)! He's also the very best at displaying adolescent heartache and panic - sympathising with this man is certainly no reach for the audience.
As a main staple of That 70's Show and Family Guy, Mila Kunis could be considered a veteran of comedy. Obviously her age and looks would contradict that statement! She is delightful and gorgeous as Johns romantic interest, Lori (a no-brainer for the guys)!

Seth MacFarlane plays Ted, using motion capture techniques - similar to that of Gollum and the aliens of Avatar. In order to create a fluidity to the piece, where by all three actors could improvise and react accordingly, MacFarlane was on set riffing with his co-stars, using specially designed equipment. Witnessing this seamless effect, it's still hard to fully comprehend how it was achieved (was MacFarlane sitting cross-legged the whole time, or were his movements miniaturised)? 
The fact that it keeps the audience guessing is what makes it a great effect. The creation of Ted is one of the best visual effects of this year (or any) - who would have thought this of a comedy, by a first-time feature director?!

Ted is a hilarious film and a significant achievement. There is a story of course. Some nonsense about men having to grow up and put childish things away! But who needs that when you can, 'kick back, drink some beers and smoke some weed!'


Poster image courtesy:

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