Just finished reading the Widening Gyre by Kevin Smith and Walter Flanagan - thought I'd give a short review!
It was a fun read all in all, with a killer ending which left me wanting more! It's a mixture of old and contemporary story-telling, in regard to both the writing and the artwork. It works for the most part, however some of Smiths language(particularly concerning sex) funny as it is, sometimes feels out of place.
Flanagan's art has come on some since Cacophony, just as Smith projected. There's a sense of passion emanating from each page - there's an over-all impression that this man loves what he does, and so he should! No doubt we'll see further improvements in his art come the next series - good on him!
The only real problem I had with this story was the flow of time and Batman's/Bruce's seemingly superfluous requirement for sleep!
Batman is just a man, lest we forget, yet he's able to prowl the streets of Gotham by night, then fly to the Turks and spend each day in the sack with his lady-friend - screwing, not sleeping, I might add! No human being is capable of such things - the man needs his sleep, just as Superman needs the sun!
My immediate reaction to Batman accusing 'Silver' for not being real, was for him to test a strand of his own damn hair! Perhaps he was able to get a few hours kip on the plane each day? When we do get a glimpse of the journey however, he is shown to be wide awake!
Later we discover the story behind his nickname - and this, I'm afraid to say, was the straw that broke the camels back - Batman/Bruce is just a man people!!
Like I said, a fun read all in all!